2012 Freed-Hardeman Lectureship

As many of you know, the annual FHU lectureship was conducted this past week.  I always enjoy the lectureship.  In addition to the lessons, it’s a great time to reconnect with old friends.

FHU holds many memories for me; mostly good, but some bad.  I’ll share one of the “bad” ones with you.  In fact, moments before this picture was taken, as I was being introduced, I was thinking about this particular painful memory.

During the 1984 lectureship, Dr. Dowell Flatt, the chairman of the Bible Department, asked me to introduce him to those who were attending his two-part series.

Of course, I agreed to introduce him, and he handed me a faxed biographical sketch of himself.  The print quality was very poor, so while I was introducing him, I got to a part where I said, “…And Dr. Flatt attended New Orleans….(then there was a long pause because I couldn’t read the print)”  So Dr. Flatt, seeing I was having trouble, decided to help me and he said, “New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.”  To which I said, “No, that’s not it.”  Well, at that moment several hundred people erupted in laughter at the expense of a very insecure Bible major.  If there was a hole to crawl into, I assure you, I would have.

In fact, I was so embarrassed, I didn’t even return the next day to introduce him.  I figured he could introduce himself!

Anyone else want to share any funny or embarrassing lectureship moments?
