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MercEmail A Weekly Devotional
from Steve Higginbotham

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A Resurrection Quiz
by Steve Higginbotham
March 28, 2007
The story is told of a Bible class teacher who asked a little boy in her class if he knew what happened after Jesus was crucified.  After a reflective pause, the little boy said, "They buried him in a tomb."  "Right," the teacher said.  "Then what happened?"  The little boy said, "He stayed in the tomb for three days."  "Good," said the teacher.  "Then what happened?"  "He rolled away the stone and rose from the dead."  "Excellent," said the teacher.  But the little boy continued, "...and if he sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter."
You know, there are a lot of people like this little boy.  They know a few facts about the resurrection of Jesus, but the details are not very clear.  See how well you do on the following quiz.  (Answer the questions first before scrolling to the bottom of this email for the answers).
  1. In addition to the women who sought to anoint the body of Jesus with myrrh and aloes, what man also sought to do the same? (John 19:39).
  2. What did Mary Magdalene think Jesus was when she first saw him? (John 20:14-15).
  3. From what city did Jesus Ascend into Heaven? (Luke 24:50).
  4. Who commanded that soldiers be placed at the entrance of Jesus' tomb? (Matthew 27:65).
  5. Where had Jesus appointed the disciples to go in order to see him? (Matthew 28:10,16).
  6. Who requested the body of Jesus? (Matthew 27:57).
  7. What was the name of one of the disciples with whom Jesus spoke on the road to Emmaus? (Luke 24:13-18).
  8. Who was said to be a "secret disciple of Jesus?" (John 19:38).
  9. What did they bind the body of Jesus in? (John 19:40).
  10. While the male disciples of Jesus did not believe the initial report of Jesus' resurrection, did Mary Magdalene believe he had raised when she saw his body was gone? (John 20:14-15).
So, how did you do?  What percentage did you get right?
(Answers  Below...)
Copyright © 2007, South Green Street Church of Christ, Glasgow, Kentucky
Permission is granted to copy these articles.
1.    Nicodemus.
2.    A Gardener.
3.    Bethany
4.    Pilate.
5.    Galilee.
6.    Joseph of Arimathea.
7.    Cleopas.
8.    Joseph of Arimathea.
9.    Strips of linen.
10.  No, she thought someone had moved his body.