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MercEmail A Weekly Devotional
from Steve Higginbotham

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Slick Slogans
by Steve Higginbotham
May 5, 2007
During World War II, armed Nazi SS guards herded thousands of Jews into box cars, and amazingly, they went cooperatively, putting up no resistance.  Many of the friends and neighbors looked on with wonder as to why this was taking place, but they told themselves that things would be fine.  They told themselves that they were in good hands.  How could they believe that?  Well, because neatly printed in French on the door of every boxcar was the reassuring logo, "Charitable Transport Company." 
Come to think of it, we too can be deceived and lulled into apathy by the slick advertising and slogans of the world.  It may be time we open our eyes to some of the things that have been pawned off on our society under such slick slogans as... reproductive freedom, alternative lifestyles, separation of church and state, no-fault divorce, social drinking, and a host of other matters.
Friends, you can call a skunk a kitty-cat if you want, but you'll soon find out it's still a skunk.  And you can call sin by any other name, and you will also find out that it is still sin.
Copyright © 2007, South Green Street Church of Christ, Glasgow, Kentucky
Permission is granted to copy these articles.