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MercEmail A Weekly Devotional
from Steve Higginbotham

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What If Adults Acted Like Children?
by Steve Higginbotham
July 4, 2007
Last evening, my seven-year-old daughter was upset and crying over something that was rather insignificant.  As I was trying to console her, I told her that this issue was nothing about which she should be crying.  It was petty, childish, and her tears, well...were more an attempt at manipulation than tears of sadness.
So the adult that I am, attempted to "reason" with the child that she is.  I attempted to convince her that crying over such an insignificant issue was childish.  I tried to explain to her that her mother and I deal with the very same issue she was dealing with and we don't cry about it.  I then asked her the following question, "What do you think would happen if adults acted like children?"  Her response ended our conversation.  She said, "They'd all go to heaven." 
I turned and looked at my wife sitting across the room.  My wife just smiled and said, "There's your MercEmail article for this week."
My little girl was right.  If adults would just act like children, they'd all go to heaven!  "But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:14).
Out of the mouth of babes...
Copyright © 2007, South Green Street Church of Christ, Glasgow, Kentucky
Permission is granted to copy these articles.