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A Weekly Devotional from the
South Green Street Church of Christ



Memories of Mother
By Steve Higginbotham
May 8, 2005

An instructor of the Bible was once trying to impress upon his preacher students the importance of "leaving" father and mother, and "cleaving" to one's wife.  After lecturing for some time on this topic, he concluded his lesson by asking, "So, if your mother and wife were both drowning and you could only save one, who would you save?"  One of the preacher students raised his hand and said, "I'd save my mother."  A bit deflated by his answer, the instructor asked him why. He said, "I can always get another wife, but I can't get another mother."

I think most people are of the opinion that they had the world's finest mother.  It matters not how old one may get, or how big and gruff one may be, people almost universally have a special place in their hearts for their mothers.  Even God the Father, reached to the feminine side of Motherhood in an attempt to illustrate the extent of his love for his children.  God the Father, as a mother who carries her child on her hip and bounces him up and down on her knees, will protect and comfort his children (Isaiah 66:12-13).

I'm thankful for my mother, and for the memories I have of my upbringing.  I'm thankful that she instilled within me a love for God, values that transcend that which is temporary, and through her love, protection, and comfort helped me to better understand the nature of God.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom! 

(P.S. - Patience Dad.  Father's Day isn't until June)

Copyright © 2005, South Green Street Church of Christ, Glasgow, Kentucky
Permission is granted to copy these articles.