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A Weekly Devotional from the
South Green Street Church of Christ



The Spirit And The Bride Say, "Come!"
By Steve Higginbotham
June 26, 2005

The word of God is a constant challenge to the follower of Jesus.  The admonitions contained therein frequently find us needing to re-evaluate our attitudes and actions and to re-examine our lives.  One such statement comes from an invitation in Revelation 22:17 - "the Spirit and Bride say, 'come!'"

However, upon reflection, I wonder if the Bride is saying, "come!"  Consider how we respectfully sit quietly through a sermon, but when the preacher reaches the conclusion of his lesson and begins offering the invitation, what happens?  You don't know?  Look around and listen once.  Purses snap and zip.  Toys jangle and clang as they are being put away.  Bibles are slapped shut.  Songbooks are raked from their racks.  Shoes are put back on.  Coats and sweaters are gathered up and put on.  There is such a flurry of activity I must wonder what one who needs to respond to the invitation is thinking.  If the message that comes through to them is the same that sometimes comes through to me is, "Hurry up!  We're about done.  We need to get out of here and get to the restaurants before everyone else."

I have no doubt that the Spirit says, "come!"  I'm not as sure about the Bride.  Friends, next time the invitation is offered...don't grab for the songbook, don't start gathering up your things, don't look as though you're in a rush to get out of the building.  Rather think of what is being done.  An invitation to the lost is being made.  It is a time that for some may mean the difference between heaven and hell.  Don't use this as a time to get ready to leave, but rather use it as a time of prayerful concern for the lost, and encouragement for those who need to respond to the invitation of Jesus.

Give it some thought.

Copyright © 2005, South Green Street Church of Christ, Glasgow, Kentucky
Permission is granted to copy these articles.