Category «Bible Study»

It’s Hard to Imagine

Imagine if there were a way we could go back in time to the 1st century and be given an opportunity to speak to those people about life in the 21st century. How much of what we take for granted on a daily basis would they be able to comprehend? Imagine trying to explain television, …

A Book Review

Although I am not the most prolific reader, I do continue to read as much as I can. I believe it is a grave mistake for a preacher, or for any Christian to stop reading and studying. We should live our lives in a pursuit for greater knowledge of God’s word and how he wants …

Say What? Is there a Baptismal Formula?

The headlines read, “Thousands of Baptisms Invalidated.” Apparently, a Catholic priest in Arizona has been using the wrong words while performing baptism ceremonies. Allegedly, thousands of baptisms have been invalidated because this priest used the word “we” instead of “I” in his ceremony. According to the Catholic church, this priest was obligated to say, “I …


Peter’s words were full of conviction…”Even if I have to die with you, I will not deny you” (Matthew 26:35). Yet, as we read further, we learn that the inquiries of a young servant girl were enough to cause Peter to lose his conviction and deny his Lord (Matthew 26:69-70). Less than 200 years later, …

Things in the Bible that Worry Me Most

Have you ever entertained the thought that there may be something in the Bible that you are failing to understand properly that could have eternal ramifications for you? Admittedly, there are some rather complex and difficult passages in the Bible, even the apostle Peter said so himself (2 Peter 3:16). So, here is my question, …