Category «Favorites»

Graceless Preaching

Not long ago, I read a book written by a brother who set out to describe the preaching that took place 60 to 70 years ago.  Here is what he said: “The sermons just seemed so harsh and graceless…If you were going to preach in the 1940’s and 50’s in the Churches of Christ, you …

The Secularization of America

The term “secularization” may be unfamiliar with some people, so allow me to define it.  Secularization means to “separate something from religious or spiritual connection and make it worldly or unspiritual.” In other words, secularization is the process of removing religious and moral influence from our society. As you know, and many of you may …

An Eternal Perspective

A few months ago, I finally had to give in and purchase my first pair of bifocals.  Now, I’ve had to wear glasses since Junior High, but things are different now.  I had gotten to the point were I was having trouble focusing when I was reading.  But bifocals solved my problem.  When I read …

Girls Gone Mild!

Have you ever had the experience of going to worship God and being shocked by the way some fellow Christians in the assembly have dressed? If you have, I assure you that you are not alone. Immodesty has become an unspoken, but a very visible problem in our assemblies. Here is an audio sermon that …