Category «Sermons»

My “Areopagus”

The above title may not be the best title, because it overstates the case, but nonetheless, yesterday, I had a unique opportunity to preach at a Missionary Baptist Church.  In 27 years of preaching, I had never once been invited to preach at a Baptist Church, so I jumped at the opportunity before me, and …

The Truth In Love

I’m just doing a little experimenting today to see if I can embed video without having problems.  Below is a program that was recorded for “The Truth In Love” television program.  Mark Teske, the Executive Director of “The Truth in Love,” and my former co-worker here in Glasgow, came up earlier this year and we …

Girls Gone Mild!

Have you ever had the experience of going to worship God and being shocked by the way some fellow Christians in the assembly have dressed? If you have, I assure you that you are not alone. Immodesty has become an unspoken, but a very visible problem in our assemblies. Here is an audio sermon that …