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MercEmail A Weekly Devotional
from Steve Higginbotham

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Never Give Up
by Steve Higginbotham
March 22, 2007
One of the things that every High School students looks forward to is getting their class ring.  I was no exception.  I was proud of my ring.  It had a light blue stone in it with a gold "OG" (Oak Glen) etched in it, and on the side it had an engraving of a basketball player.  However, no sooner than I received my ring, I lost it. 
I had my ring when I left basketball practice one evening, but I didn't have it when I arrived at home.  At the time, there were a few inches of snow on the ground, so if I dropped it, I would never see it.  Winter eventually gave way to Spring, and every day, as I walked from the gym to the bus or my parent's car, I would look down in the grass near the sidewalk.  To my surprise, one night after basketball practice as I was walking to my car, the light from a streetlight caused a little sparkle on something in the grass.  I stopped and thought, "Surely not.  Not after all this time."  But I reached down and sure enough, picked up my class ring that was half buried in the grass and mud.
Had I given up and quit looking for my ring, I would have never found it again.  But each day, as I walked the same path, I didn't fail to look along the edge of the sidewalk, hoping against hope, that I would see my ring. 
Are there things in your life that seem to have eluded you? Have you not yet found a way to break through to your spouse, children or friend?  Don't give up.  Keep on looking and some day you might  be surprised to see a tiny sparkle in one's life, reflecting the light of God's word.
Copyright © 2007, South Green Street Church of Christ, Glasgow, Kentucky
Permission is granted to copy these articles.