
A Weekly Devotional from the
South Green Street Church of Christ


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That's Not What My Bible Says
By Steve Higginbotham
June 25, 2004

For a number of years, I've heard warnings of a time when man-made doctrines would escape the confines of a creed book and would eventually find their way into the biblical text itself.  Therefore, it comes as no surprise that a new translation of the Bible has just been published which caters to homosexuals and lesbians.

This new Bible, called "The ONE Translation," is being promoted by the archbishop of Canterbury and is said by him to be a book of "extraordinary power," though he admits many would be startled by its contents.  The organization that produced this new translation says they are dedicated to "challenging oppression, injustice, exclusion and discrimination as well as accepting one another, valuing their diversity and experience."

For instance, 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 tells every man to have his own wife and every woman to have her own husband.  However, this new "Bible" states that everyone is to have "a regular partner."  You get the idea.  You see the implications.

But now here's my point.  Changing what the Bible actually says, and twisting God's words into a more politically correct reading, does not change the truth of God's word.  Remember it was Jesus who said, "He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him; the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day" (John 12:48).



Copyright © 2004, South Green Street Church of Christ, Glasgow, Kentucky
Permission is granted to copy these articles.