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A Weekly Devotional from the
South Green Street Church of Christ



Just Think
By Steve Higginbotham
July 23, 2005

I was on a University campus in Louisville, Kentucky today and I noticed some T-shirts that were being sold.  The message on the T-shirt was "It doesn't matter what you think, just think!" 

Well now, if that isn't a reflection of a prevailing philosophy of the time in which we live.  In the eyes of some, arriving at truth isn't nearly as important as the pursuit of it.  But friends, such a notion is misguided.

While there is some virtue in hungering for knowledge, the greater virtue is in arriving at truth.  Paul spoke disparagingly of some who were "ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth" (2 Timothy 3:7). 

Friends, the message on the T-shirt was half right.  Think!  we all need to do this.  But according to God's word, it certainly does matter what we think (John 8:24).


Copyright © 2005, South Green Street Church of Christ, Glasgow, Kentucky
Permission is granted to copy these articles.