It’s Fun to Stay at the “Y…”

The YMCA officially changed its name this week.  After 166 years in existence, the Young Men’s Christian Association has officially changed its name to the “Y.”  That’s it.  No longer will the word “Christian” be associated with this organization.  Now, the organization says they will still emphasize “Christian ideals,” they’re just removing the “Christian” from …

Right Desire, Wrong Response

“I was baptized when I was very young and I’m not sure I really understood what I was doing at the time.  What should I do?”  Most preachers have heard this question many times and have probably offered this typical response, “If you have any doubts, why not be baptized again and remove all the …

Par For The Course

This past weekend, Brian Davis, a PGA golfer who has never won a tournament, was in a playoff with Jim Furyk. As Davis chipped onto the Green, he touched a twig in his back swing. It was not discernible to anyone, but Davis said he could feel his club touch it. So he assessed himself …