Tag «baptism»

Say What? Is there a Baptismal Formula?

The headlines read, “Thousands of Baptisms Invalidated.” Apparently, a Catholic priest in Arizona has been using the wrong words while performing baptism ceremonies. Allegedly, thousands of baptisms have been invalidated because this priest used the word “we” instead of “I” in his ceremony. According to the Catholic church, this priest was obligated to say, “I …

Board the Bus & Take a Seat…Or Not

In spite of the clarity of Jesus’ words, “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved…” (Mark 16:16), there are some who still deny the necessity of baptism. Some affirm that one is saved at the point of faith without further acts of obedience (i.e. baptism). In an effort to sustain such an affirmation, …

What If…?

“What if you’re baptizing a person and no one noticed that the big toe of the person being baptized didn’t get under the water? Would he be saved or would he still be in his sins?” This is an example of a “hypothetical question.” Hypothetical questions are questions that aren’t explicitly addressed, so the answers have …

The Proverbial “Falling Tree Limb”

Here’s the setup. A man is sitting in church, listening to the preacher preach a sermon about Jesus. This man’s conscience is pricked by the word of God. He believes Jesus to be the Son of God and because of his belief he also repents of his sins and confesses his faith in Jesus before …

I Was In Prison And You Visited Me

This past week, I had a rather interesting experience while teaching 20 maximum security inmates at the Knox county jail.  I thought I’d share it with you. For the most part, the men we teach in cell block 1-A have reached rock bottom.  Just the day before our last study, one of the men was …