Author archives

Moral Outrage or Partisan Politics?

Can the truth be proclaimed with less than noble motives? According to the apostle Paul, the answer to that question is, “yes.”  Paul said that some of his preaching peers preached the truth but they did so out of envy and strife (Philippians 1:15). Surely we all see that such a situation is far from …

Not Just Another Miley Cyrus Commentary

In our house, our television viewing is pretty much limited to watching DVD’s and “MeTV” which is a channel that replays old television shows like “Gunsmoke,” “Perry Mason,” “The Donna Reed Show,” and “Leave it to Beaver.”  So I knew nothing about the recent fiasco surrounding Miley Cyrus and her performance at the 2013 MTV …

How Much Should We Pay The Preacher?

What would you wish for if you had a “genie in a bottle?”  Surely all of us at one point or another have day-dreamed about that question.  Just how would we use our “three wishes?”   If we were to poll people on the street, I would guess that almost universally, the wishes would go something …

Beware of Preying Preachers

I typically get up early on Sunday morning and go to my office so that I can finalize and meditate on the lessons that I have to present later that day.  However, this past Sunday we had a guest speaker, so I got ready for worship services in a much more leisurely fashion.  I turned …

Put A Pebble In Their Shoe

Last night a Christian friend and I went to a person’s house to have a Bible study with a family.  The family we studied with love the Lord and truly want to go to Heaven.  However, I am convinced that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge (Romans 10:2). As we …