Author archives

Ruby Wright Eddy

Ruby Wright Eddy was born in 1915, almost 96 years ago.  Yesterday, I received an email from my mom and dad telling me that Ruby had passed away.  This news caused a flood of memories to come to my mind.  I thought I’d share some of those memories with you. Ruby was my “backdoor” neighbor.  …

Is Your Integrity For Sale?

This past weekend, 11 year-old Nick Smith entered a contest for the chance to win $50,000.00.  All Nick had to do was shoot a 3 inch hockey puck through a 3 ½ in hole from 90 feet away.  Nick took careful aim, hit the puck with his hockey stick and to everyone’s amazement, the puck …

Win a Free iTouch!

If you’re like me you like “free” and “technology.”  Well, here’s an opportunity to receive both.  The Equip Network is offering a free iTouch in a random drawing of those who are subscribed to the Equip Network Newsletter.  So why don’t you visit the site and sign up for the newsletter.  Someone’s going to be …

Unintended Consequences

On July 7, 2011 the Oakland A’s were playing the Texas Rangers.  In the second inning, one of the A’s hit a foul ball that went into the stands, then bounced back onto the field.  So as a friendly gesture, Rangers outfielder, Josh Hamilton picked up the ball and tossed it to a fan in …