Author archives
A Resurrection Quiz
Every year, around Christmas and Easter, I am made aware of just how little people really know about the birth and resurrection of Jesus. Two of the most important events in the history of this world, and central to the Christian faith, are only vaguely known by people who claim to be followers of Jesus. …
The Root Of All Fun?
Yesterday carried a feature story entitled, “The Root of All Fun.” The story was about money and baseball. The story line was an appeal to stop talking about the economy and how it has impacted sports. Rather, we should be enjoying the “fun” that our money can buy us. Of course, the title is …
Leadership Workshop
Last Saturday I was invited to participate in the Western Kentucky Leadership Workshop, which was hosted by the Briensburg congregation in Benton, KY. This was the first year I attended; in fact, this was the first year I knew about the event. I can tell you that Gary Knuckles, and the Briensburg congregation really did …
It Still Doesn’t Know!
I am a faithful devotee of WordPerfect. For those of you who may not know what WordPerfect is, it is a word processing program that, in my opinion, leaves Microsoft Word in the dust. I began using WordPerfect more than 20 years ago. I began with version 4.2 and have faithfully upgraded through 12 versions. …