Category «Culture»

Burning the Koran

Well, it didn’t happen.  Terry Jones, a “pastor” for a small Baptist church in Florida did not burn 200 copies of the Koran as he initially stated he would do.  It was his plan to burn copies of the Koran on 9-11, the anniversary date of the day America was attacked by those claiming to …

It’s Fun to Stay at the “Y…”

The YMCA officially changed its name this week.  After 166 years in existence, the Young Men’s Christian Association has officially changed its name to the “Y.”  That’s it.  No longer will the word “Christian” be associated with this organization.  Now, the organization says they will still emphasize “Christian ideals,” they’re just removing the “Christian” from …

Par For The Course

This past weekend, Brian Davis, a PGA golfer who has never won a tournament, was in a playoff with Jim Furyk. As Davis chipped onto the Green, he touched a twig in his back swing. It was not discernible to anyone, but Davis said he could feel his club touch it. So he assessed himself …


As I was celebrating my 48th birthday on January 15, an 11-year-old girl from Port-au-Prince, Haiti was ushered into eternity.  Now I understand that life and death occur every minute of every day, but the circumstances of this little girl’s death have really gripped me. This little girl had been trapped, all alone for three …

2012: End of the World?

This past weekend, Sony released Roland Emmerich’s thriller about a global cataclysm that is scheduled to take place in 2012. With the release of this movie (which I have not seen, nor will see due to the language) we will be hearing more and more about speculations of 2012 being the end of the world. …