Category «Discipleship»

Type Casting

On February 24, 2006,  3 years ago yesterday, Don Knotts passed away in Beverly Hills, California at the age of 81.  Those of you who know me, know just how much of a fan I am of the Andy Griffith Show.  I watch the show every day on TV and/or on DVD.  I’ve become quite …

An Eternal Perspective

A few months ago, I finally had to give in and purchase my first pair of bifocals.  Now, I’ve had to wear glasses since Junior High, but things are different now.  I had gotten to the point were I was having trouble focusing when I was reading.  But bifocals solved my problem.  When I read …

Teach Us To Number Our Days

The “New Year” always seems to rejuvenate us, offer us hope, and open for us another chapter in our lives.  Yet, for one family I know, and countless others I do not know, the new year brought with it heartbreak and despair.  In less than six hours, I will conduct the funeral of Christian man …

Psalm 100

I wanted to share the following video of one of our young people at South Green Street.  Grant is four years old, and he memorized and recited Psalm 100.  I also want to commend Grant’s parents for steering Grant in the direction of memorization.  Far too many children have memorized everything about video games, their …

How Much Did It Cost?

What’s the matter with people?  Yesterday morning, over 2000 shoppers gathered outside a Wal-Mart in Valley Stream, New York.  They were waiting for the doors to open at 5:00 a.m.  At 4:55 a.m. they could be held back no longer. The crowd had become a “mob” and pushed and pounded against the glass doors.  Finally, …