Category «Miscellaneous»

Do All Dogs Really Go To Heaven?

Every year on October 4, a growing number of churches involve themselves in a “blessing of the animals” service. This “blessing of the animals” is rooted in the Roman Catholic Church as a part of observing “Saint Francis of Assisi Day.”  However, in more recent times, more and more protestant churches have picked up the …

A Timely Reminder

Tomorrow will mark two years since my dad passed away. Over the past two years, I have missed so many things I used to take for granted, but one thing I am sure of is that my sadness has been tempered by the faithful life that my dad lived and the faithfulness of the God …

A Great Idea for Churches

In today’s post, I want to share a really neat tool for your congregation. All of us have probably participated in the making of a church pictorial directory. And we have probably all come to the realization that by the time the directory is completed, it has become outdated. Well, here’s a solution to this problem …

Have You Seen This Bible?

In 2007, several Israeli scientists were able to inscribe the entire Hebrew Bible on a tiny silicon surface that measured approximately half the size of a grain of sugar. This Bible was created by blasting tiny particles called gallium ions which created an etching just like a hammer and chisel would. It’s almost mind-boggling to consider …