Dear God…Nevermind

On Saturday, January 13, 2018 at exactly 8:07 a.m., an emergency missile alert was issued in Hawaii. Soon after that alert was issued, the people of Hawaii were informed that the alert was a false alarm. One can only imagine the fear that this false alarm triggered in the people there. One moment, they were …

Who Wrote The Bible?

Over the past 34 years, I have had many people ask me questions about “who wrote the Bible.” The typical answer to these questions involved God using men through the process of inspiration to record exactly what he wanted preserved. But there’s another answer to this question and it is “my wife.” Allow me to …

Love Discriminates

Because my wife is a Special Education Teacher, I learned a long time ago that “being fair doesn’t mean you give everyone the same thing. It does mean you give everyone what they need.” That made sense to me when I first heard it, and it still does today. In that same vein of thought, …

The Thief on the Cross

The cross of Jesus stands as the central event in human history. Of all the great accomplishments of mankind, none can rival what Jesus accomplished on the cross. That being the case, why then is the record of Jesus’ death, the greatest accomplishment in human history, cluttered with peripheral information about the death of an …

Jack the Baptizer

The other night, I received a phone call from an old friend. I first met him 33-years ago when I graduated from college and began preaching for the church in Nitro, WV. My friend’s name is Jack Higginbotham (no relation). He called that night, bubbling over with excitement because he had baptized three people into …