A Brush With Fame

Have you ever had a brush with fame? I had a professor in college who used to tell, in great detail, how he once sat next to Elizabeth Taylor on a flight. A Christian lady whom I once knew liked to tell how Tex Ritter came to her door after having an automobile accident, wanting …

Hate Speech

Is the church guilty of hate speech?  Some would emphatically deny it, but I would be more inclined to say, “guilty as charged.”  Now, don’t dismiss me and stop reading; please hear me out. I’m not suggesting that the church is guilty of “hate speech from the pulpit.  I would imagine the vast majority of …

205 Virginia Avenue

205 Virginia Avenue…That’s the address of just one of the 1292  houses in the small town of Chester, WV.  But it’s more than that to me.  It’s “my” house.  It’s the house I grew up in from the time I was two years old until I went off to college and got married.  For the …

Do Natural Disasters Prove God Is Evil?

How are we supposed to believe in a God who created a world that includes tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tidal waves? Each year, thousands of people are injured, maimed, and killed by these forces of nature. So I must ask, “Does this ‘natural evil’ prove that God is ‘morally evil?’” Surely not! The natural laws …


Compartmentalized Christianity is the belief that Christian principles and ethics need not permeate every area of a Christian’s life.  One of the best examples of compartmentalized Christianity that I know of was when a Christian brother was asked about some unethical business practices in which he was engaged.  His defense?  He unapologetically said, “Business is business …