Noah: The Truth Is Better Than Fiction

This past week, my wife and I watched the new movie, “Noah.”  I had read several reviews beforehand; some were claiming it was a powerful retelling of the biblical story, while others stated it had very little connection to the biblical story. So I thought I’d see for myself.  Below is a sermon that I …

What Do Atheists Look Like?

What do atheists look like?  Do they have tattoos and piercings?  Do they look rough and rebellious?  Do they drive cars with ACLU bumper stickers? Or do they have a look of smug arrogance and intellectual superiority?  What if I told you that many atheists look just like the couple in the picture to the …

I Was In Prison And You Visited Me

This past week, I had a rather interesting experience while teaching 20 maximum security inmates at the Knox county jail.  I thought I’d share it with you. For the most part, the men we teach in cell block 1-A have reached rock bottom.  Just the day before our last study, one of the men was …