Illegal Immigrants

In recent months, I have received quite a few emails from Christians bemoaning the number of illegal immigrants in our country.  It is not the purpose of this brief post to discuss what our national policy should be with regard to this issue.  Frankly, I don’t know enough about this issue to suggest a policy, …


I am afraid that unwittingly, we have been a party to lessening the impact of sin in the lives of other people.  How so?  Through the use of euphemisms.  Our society seems to want to dress up nearly every undesirable concept with “soft,” and “friendly” words. For instance, getting fired is called a “career change …

Future Church Leaders

Last week, I spent the morning with the group of young men pictured to the left. The Walnut Street Church of Christ in Dickson, TN hosted a “Future Church Leaders” camp. There were approximately 30 young men who attended. I spoke to these 7th through 12 graders for three consecutive 45 minute sessions on evangelism …

Vacation Bible School

Tonight is the last night of our Vacation Bible School.  The attendance this year has been the best attendance we’ve had in the 20 years I have been in Glasgow.  It’s great to see so many children who are excited to learn more about Jesus.  My hat’s off to all those teachers who teach these …