Tag «Church»

The Most Segregated Day of The Week

We’ve come a long way from a time when some people actually owned other people and when Jim Crow laws were enforced to maintain separation between humans having varying degrees of skin pigmentation. No longer do we segregate black and white people from each other by refusing to allow them to use the same public schools, restaurants, restrooms, …

Can The Church Survive?

Social injustice, homosexual marriage, divorce, cohabitation, adultery, premarital sex, pornography, abortion, casual drug use, the rejection of absolutes, the immorality of the entertainment industry…these are a representative sample of some of the things our culture embraces today. Can the church survive such moral degradation?  Can it survive 21st century American culture, or will it become …

How To Enhance Cooperation Between Congregations

When two or more congregations exist within fairly close proximity of each other, tensions, jealousies, and rivalries often exist. I don’t think that anyone would affirm that this is the will of the Lord, so what can be done to remove the tensions that exist, and enhance congregational cooperation?  Here are five tips… Communicate with …

Like A Persecuted Church

Imagine it’s Sunday morning.  You and your family put on jeans and t-shirts and get ready to go to the mountains.  You carry with you a large picnic basket, and your children carry with them a baseball and a couple gloves.  You arrive at the mountains, pile out of the car and take about a …

Christmas on Sunday? How Inconvenient!

I’ve been reading in the news lately of several churches who are deciding to cancel their Bible classes and worship services on Christmas Day because it falls on Sunday.  Several rather influential churches have announced that they are closing their doors on Christmas day, which of course, falls on Sunday this year.  Apart from the …