Tag «death»

7 Things Not To Say To The Grieving

My family and I just recently suffered the loss of my dad.  During the days following his death, we were comforted by all the kind words that were spoken in an effort to encourage us.  But not everyone has the same experience.  I’ve stood at the head of many caskets through the years and I’ve …

The Urgency of the Gospel

The congregation at Karns has a very active jail ministry.  Twice a month, several men from Karns go to the Knox County jail, which probably houses a couple thousand inmates, and conduct Bible studies. Recently, one of the men who we had been studying with was released from jail.  When one is released from jail, …

“Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye!”

Nearly ten years ago, while Americans wept over the September 11th attacks on the United States, news crews in Palestine showed men and women dancing in the streets as they chanted, “Death to the USA!”  At the time, I remember how amazed I was at such a calloused response by a people.  However, last night …

An Eternal Perspective

A few months ago, I finally had to give in and purchase my first pair of bifocals.  Now, I’ve had to wear glasses since Junior High, but things are different now.  I had gotten to the point were I was having trouble focusing when I was reading.  But bifocals solved my problem.  When I read …

Teach Us To Number Our Days

The “New Year” always seems to rejuvenate us, offer us hope, and open for us another chapter in our lives.  Yet, for one family I know, and countless others I do not know, the new year brought with it heartbreak and despair.  In less than six hours, I will conduct the funeral of Christian man …