And Yet

Thirty-seven years ago today, on November 20, 1982, the University of Stanford was playing the UC Berkley (Cal) in football. Just four seconds remained in after Stanford kicked a field goal, giving them a 20-19 lead over Cal. The game was all but over. All Stanford had to do was kick-off, make a tackle, and the game was would be in the books. AND YET, against all odds, Cal was able to pull off what has become known as “The Play,” and scored against the Stanford football team and their band, winning the game with no time left on the clock.
Likewise, two-thousand years ago, the situation looked hopeless. One of Jesus’ closest friends denied him. Another friend betrayed him, and the rest deserted him. Jesus was then taken away and was mocked, spat upon and beaten. Then he was nailed to a cross and hung before the world to die a shameful and painful death. To all who may have witnessed this sight, he looked defeated, hopeless, and God-forsaken. AND YET…
Then there’s your story and my story. We’re underdogs. Longshots, with a history of failure, AND YET…
