Another Night With The Frogs?

frogAn amazing thing happened in Exodus 8. Pharaoh had all he could stand of the plague of frogs God had sent upon Egypt. So Pharaoh asked Moses to entreat his God to get rid of the frogs. Moses agreed to do so and asked Pharaoh when he wanted him to make intercession on his behalf. Unbelievably, Pharaoh said, “Tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow!” Why “tomorrow?”  Why would he want to spend another night with the frogs when he could have had them removed that very day?

As by-standers reading this text, we see the foolishness of Pharaoh’s decision, however do we see with the same clarity the foolishness of some of our own decisions?

  • Why should we spend another night trying to atone for our sins by being a “do-gooder” and laboring under the impression we must “pay off our debt” to God? How long before we relent and let God be our Savior?
  • Why should we spend another night wrestling with guilt? How long will it take us before we trust God to forgive us and remove our sins from us (Psalm 103:12)?
  • Why should we spend another night fearing eternity? How long until we believe God loves his children and is coming back, not to punish us, but to gather us up so that we can be with him for eternity (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9)?
  • Why should we spend another night outside of Christ? Why would we wait until “tomorrow” (which is uncertain) to have the salvation we can have today (Psalm 39:4-5).
Friends, sometimes procrastination just doesn’t make sense! Don’t spend another night with the frogs when you don’t have to! Give it some thought.