Author archives

Where Were You Trained?

We’ve all seen it happen, haven’t we?  We’ve all witnessed or maybe experienced the pride and joy grandparents have for their grandchildren. If you’re a grandparent, I’m sure you’ve “whipped out” the latest pictures of your grandchildren to show your friends. And if you’re not a grandparent, you’ve probably been an “innocent bystander” who learned …

True Confessions of a Church

Have you heard about the preacher who packed up his family and belongings and moved so that he could preach for a perfect congregation? Neither have I! Sometimes, I think Christians, and especially preachers, forget that there are no perfect churches, and when that imperfection manifests itself, we act surprised and are left reeling. But …

You Don’t Want to Miss This!

I live in the path of the 2017 Solar Eclipse that is scheduled to take place tomorrow afternoon. Those of us living in the path of this eclipse have been bombarded with facts about the eclipse, warnings to protect our eyes, protective eye-wear being sold on every street corner, and a host of other interesting …

Substance Over Style

In the 1st century, the church had to deal with the intellectual snobbery of the Gnostics. The Gnostics claimed special knowledge and insight into spiritual mysteries unknown to the “ordinary” Christian, and consequently viewed them with contempt. While the 21st century church doesn’t have to deal with Gnosticism, it still must deal with a form …