Tag «Preaching»
4 Mistakes While Preaching from Your Desk
Where Have All The “Weeping Prophets” Gone?

Jeremiah, the prophet of God, has the distinction of being dubbed, “The Weeping Prophet.” The reason for such a designation is because Jeremiah prophesied during some very sad times. God had shown Jeremiah what was about to happen to Judah because of their disobedience, and it was disturbing. In fact, Jeremiah pictured God’s impending judgment …
More Than Meets the Eye

Last week, I stumbled across this relief dating back to the time of Sennacherib, King of Assyria. Though gruesome, it reminded me of the importance of diligent Bible study. Several years ago, my wife presented me with a trip to Israel. It was amazing, and one of the greatest benefits I gained from it was …
Substance Over Style

In the 1st century, the church had to deal with the intellectual snobbery of the Gnostics. The Gnostics claimed special knowledge and insight into spiritual mysteries unknown to the “ordinary” Christian, and consequently viewed them with contempt. While the 21st century church doesn’t have to deal with Gnosticism, it still must deal with a form …