Author archives

The Tree

Today, “the tree” came down. I was guessing this massive oak tree must have been about 75 years old. While I am no arborist, I was able to count about 71 rings (give or take a few). It was a strong, beautiful oak tree in the courtyard of the church property. But we are needing to …

Southeast Lectureship

“Do you think you’re the only ones going to heaven?” “What about the thief on the cross?” “What if someone dies on the way to be baptized?” “Why don’t you have women preachers?” These and many more questions are often heard by Christians who are trying to evangelize. Having a ready and adequate answer to …

Things A Preacher Hears

I’m going to have a little fun with today’s post. Earlier today, I received a message from a preacher who was recounting some of the things people have said to him through the years. Many of them were funny and all too familiar. So I thought I’d share a few of my own. These are all things …

For the Sake of Balance

One of the continuing challenges of preaching is the challenge of “balance.”  Due to our backgrounds, culture, and preferences, we sometimes lack balance in our presentation of truth. Therefore, I want to propose the following challenges… Preach a sermon on the role of women without once mentioning what women cannot do. Is it not the case …

Doing Without

Samuel B. Pierce was a good man and a devoted follower of Jesus. I’d like to share a brief story from his life that should give us pause to think. The story is told that one year, when Sam’s oldest daughter was about to start a new school year, Sam bought his daughter a new …