Author archives

Daddy, Can I Come Home?

Several years ago, I met a life-long friend walking down the road. We stopped for a couple moments and exchanged greetings. I asked her how she and her husband were doing (they had married three months earlier). Her response startled me. She said, “Steve, we’re not together any more. I wasn’t happy, so I called …

Gender Justice

We’ve probably all heard it before. The argument goes something like this…”Galatians 3:28 teaches that in Christ, there is neither male nor female, for we are all ‘one in Christ.’ Since that’s the case, any attempt to restrict the role of women in the church on the basis of her gender is unscriptural.” I have …

4 Reasons To Continue Having Sunday Night Services

According to Thom Rainer, a church researcher, the typical Sunday night worship service conducted at the church building is a thing of the past.  According to his research, only 5% of churches have “traditional” Sunday evening services. [That statistic is not representative of typical churches of Christ, but we are moving closer that direction]. I …

You’re In My Seat!

Once upon a time, in a church far, far away from any church we’ve ever attended, there was a small band of Christians who met together every Sunday to worship God. These regular assemblies were conducted faithfully for many years, but without any change in the people who were occupying the seats. One day, one of …

God Is Not Safe, But He Is Good

In 1950 , C.S. Lewis wrote The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. This book is an allegory in which Aslan, a powerful lion (representing Jesus) had to die so that Edmund (a young man deceived by a witch) could live. In my judgment, one of the most contemplative lines in the entire book comes …