Tag «gender»


Churches have always been influenced by the values of the cultures that surround them. For instance, the city of Corinth was known for its immorality, and it’s no surprise that immorality had also crept into the church (1 Corinthians 5). Today, our culture highly values the equality of men and women, and thus the message …

Is God Male or Female?

There is presently an interesting debate taking place in one of the major religious denominations in the United States. The debate centers around whether or not this denomination should make changes to their “Book of Common Prayer.” This “Book of Common Prayer,” has a central role within this denomination, and is recited in every one …

Gender Justice

We’ve probably all heard it before. The argument goes something like this…”Galatians 3:28 teaches that in Christ, there is neither male nor female, for we are all ‘one in Christ.’ Since that’s the case, any attempt to restrict the role of women in the church on the basis of her gender is unscriptural.” I have …

Gender Equality?

I recently read an article in the “Abilene Reporter-News” and the title was, “Women in the church: moving toward equality.”  That title intrigued me because I found it hard to imagine a church that was just “moving” toward gender equality. You see, I was under the assumption that everyone was familiar with and believed the …