Author archives

What’s a Preacher Supposed to Look Like?

Probably all of us have preconceived ideas as to what a preacher is supposed to look like. For me, I had definite ideas for you see, my dad was a preacher.  For me, a preacher wore a suit and tie to nearly everything.  (My dad would even sometimes mow the lawn while wearing a tie…no …

We Need A Hero

I was saddened this week as I watched Bruce Jenner receive the “Arthur Ashe Award for Courage” at the annual Espy Awards. As you probably know, Jenner, a former Olympic gold-medalist, has decided to live as a woman. What saddened me, even beyond his decision, was the reaction of a room filled with famous athletes. …

A Memory of My Dad on Father’s Day

On this second “Father’s Day” since the passing of my father, I thought I would share a memory of my Dad. The picture to the left represents an important part of my dad’s life. For more than 40 years, Dad conducted a 15 minute, daily radio program called, “Bible Meditations.” I don’t think many people understand …

The Sermon My Dad Didn’t Get To Preach

As we approach “Father’s Day” this weekend, I’ve done a lot of thinking about my Dad lately. This fall will mark two years since my dad, Frank Higginbotham, unexpectedly passed away. Dad was 80 years old and preached for more than 60 years. Even at the age of 80, Dad had gospel meetings scheduled out more …