Author archives

Do Natural Disasters Prove God Is Evil?

How are we supposed to believe in a God who created a world that includes tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tidal waves? Each year, thousands of people are injured, maimed, and killed by these forces of nature. So I must ask, “Does this ‘natural evil’ prove that God is ‘morally evil?’” Surely not! The natural laws …


Compartmentalized Christianity is the belief that Christian principles and ethics need not permeate every area of a Christian’s life.  One of the best examples of compartmentalized Christianity that I know of was when a Christian brother was asked about some unethical business practices in which he was engaged.  His defense?  He unapologetically said, “Business is business …

What Do We Do Now?

What are we to do when our culture turns from God and snubs its nose at his word, the Bible? What are we to do when mind-altering substances are legalized? What are we to do when our Supreme Court redefines marriage in such a way as to encompass same-sex relationships? What are we to do …

Five “Untruisms” Heard In The Church

By definition, a truism is a statement so obviously true, it doesn’t need proving.  In other words, truisms are generally accepted truths.  That is why I am a bit surprised at just how many untrue truisms there are out there.  Here are a few we should rethink. “God Won’t Give Us More Than We Can Bear.” …

The Most Misunderstood Page In The Bible

If you were to suggest the most misunderstood page in the Bible, what would you suggest?  Think about it.  Would you suggest the page that records: Judges 11 and Jephthah’s sacrifice of his daughter? 1 Samuel 16 and God sending an evil spirit upon King Saul? Daniel 9 and the 70 weeks? Revelation 20 and …