Author archives

A Review: “Exodus: Gods & Kings”

Today, I saw the most recent movie depicting the Biblical account of the Exodus.  The best and most concise summary I could give is that the movie truly was an “Exodus,” but it was an “exodus” from God’s word. I never cease to be amazed at the liberties taken with reference to the Bible.  No …

Marking In Your Bible

I think marking in one’s Bible is a great idea. Highlighting certain verses, certain words, or writing short points in the margins of one’s Bible are all good ways to jog your memory or emphasize various important truths. Unfortunately, the picture to the left is a caricature of how some people mark in their Bible. …

The Truth: More or Less

This is the truth…more or less. We need more passion and less apathy. We need more soft hearts and less hard heads. We need more open ears and less open mouths. We need more busy bodies and less busybodies. We need more back-patting and less back-biting. We need more seed-slinging and less mud-slinging. We need more faith in action and less faith …

No Punts Allowed

Kevin Kelley is the head football coach for Pulaski Academy, located in Little Rock, Arkansas. But Kevin Kelley is not your ordinary high school football coach.  He has made his mark on High School football by never allowing his team to punt. Coach Kelley read the research of a Harvard professor who analyzed 2000 high …