Author archives

Get Real!

Have you ever noticed how we sometimes give “correct” answers instead of “truthful” answers when we find ourselves in certain settings?  I once asked a high school Bible class if they were running late for school and only had time to do one of the following things, which would they do.  Would they read their …

The Most Segregated Day of The Week

We’ve come a long way from a time when some people actually owned other people and when Jim Crow laws were enforced to maintain separation between humans having varying degrees of skin pigmentation. No longer do we segregate black and white people from each other by refusing to allow them to use the same public schools, restaurants, restrooms, …

Birth & Death

(Do you know how you can hear something and make it such a part of your thinking, that it becomes your own?  Well, I don’t remember from whom I first heard the following illustration, but I’ve used it for years.  I believe it can be of great comfort to those who are facing death or …

It Really Happened, Really!

The new year often provides time for reflection. 2017 will mark 33 years of full-time preaching for me. During those years, I have found myself in quite a few interesting situations. Those who think the life of a preacher must be stuffy and boring need to spend some time with me.  I thought I’d share …

Blessing Others Beyond Our Years

Those of you who are history buffs may know the significance of the date, April 14, 1865.  This was the day President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth.  However, something else of significance happened on that day of which you may not be aware.  Earlier on this very day, President Lincoln signed into …