Author archives

What Do Atheists Look Like?

What do atheists look like?  Do they have tattoos and piercings?  Do they look rough and rebellious?  Do they drive cars with ACLU bumper stickers? Or do they have a look of smug arrogance and intellectual superiority?  What if I told you that many atheists look just like the couple in the picture to the …

I Was In Prison And You Visited Me

This past week, I had a rather interesting experience while teaching 20 maximum security inmates at the Knox county jail.  I thought I’d share it with you. For the most part, the men we teach in cell block 1-A have reached rock bottom.  Just the day before our last study, one of the men was …

It Does Matter What We Believe

(Yesterday morning, a brother told me that this news story would make a good article.  He even gave me the title for the article.  I’m just filling in the blanks). Just yesterday, I learned of the death of Jamie Coots.  Jamie died after being bitten by a poisonous snake during a “snake handling church service.”  …

Can The Church Survive?

Social injustice, homosexual marriage, divorce, cohabitation, adultery, premarital sex, pornography, abortion, casual drug use, the rejection of absolutes, the immorality of the entertainment industry…these are a representative sample of some of the things our culture embraces today. Can the church survive such moral degradation?  Can it survive 21st century American culture, or will it become …

In Praise of Small Churches

Today, I drove 50 miles from the campus of Freed-Hardeman University to take a picture of an old abandoned church building.  This building formerly housed the Hickory Plains Church of Christ.  In 1982 and 1983, I took turns every other Sunday preaching at this congregation while I was a student in college. Every other Sunday, …