Author archives

Religious Abuse

In recent years, newspaper headlines are full of examples of “church abuse” or “spiritual abuse.”  It’s disheartening and even sickening to hear about some of the ways in which religious leaders have used their position, power, authority, and  influence to manipulate people to their own advantage and for their own purposes. However, as terrible as …

500,000 Visits!

In January of 2008, I decided to start a blog.  For years, I had used the church’s website to host my material, but I decided that having my own site would allow more flexibility.  So I purchased a domain name (, and I began uploading biblical material. As of today, I am happy to announce …

Giving Up Lent for Lent

There’s good reason why many Christians know very little about the observance of the “Lenten Season.”  Simply stated, the Bible nowhere speaks of a “Lenten Season,” making this observance entirely an ordinance of man. But now here’s a question, “What’s so wrong with observing a man-made religious memorial if it is rooted in such biblical …

A Great Tech Idea For Churches

Those of you who know me, know that I love technology and its uses in ministry.  Well today’s post may be old news to some, but an amazing time saver for others. Every church leader recognizes the need to maintain good communication with the congregation.  That’s why we invest thousands of dollars and man hours …