Author archives

Declarations of Love

Today, as I was exiting the High School parking lot after dropping off my son, I saw the sign to the left.  This sign was strategically located so that everyone leaving the High School parking lot would be looking directly at it.  It would be impossible to miss it. Well, I just had to take …

2012 Freed-Hardeman Lectureship

As many of you know, the annual FHU lectureship was conducted this past week.  I always enjoy the lectureship.  In addition to the lessons, it’s a great time to reconnect with old friends. FHU holds many memories for me; mostly good, but some bad.  I’ll share one of the “bad” ones with you.  In fact, …

In Praise of Punctuation!

Here’s a simple true or false question.  See how you do. True or False: Moses was the daughter of Pharaoh’s son.   My guess is that most of you answered “False,” but the correct answer is “True.”  “But how can it be true when Moses was a male, not a female,” you ask?  Well, re-read …

Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus (A Response)

httpv:// Recently, Jefferson Bethke did a video that he posted on YouTube, and that video has gone viral.  In his video, Bethke affirms his reasons for hating religion while loving Jesus.  His words have resonated with many people.  This “new” and “fresh” take on religion and Jesus, is really not new at all.  I’m old …

A Display or a Demonstration?

While living in Kentucky, we lived about 20 miles from the Corvette plant and the Corvette Museum.  When one visits the Corvette Museum, he will see dozens of Corvettes on display.  They’re beautiful to look at but one thing is for certain…none of those automobiles on display are for demonstration.  They are for display only.  …