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As I was celebrating my 48th birthday on January 15, an 11-year-old girl from Port-au-Prince, Haiti was ushered into eternity.  Now I understand that life and death occur every minute of every day, but the circumstances of this little girl’s death have really gripped me. This little girl had been trapped, all alone for three …

A Cross With Wheels?

Just this past weekend, while I was driving in Bowling Green, I saw two men carrying crosses on the side of the road, followed by a crowd of about 30 or 40 people.  As I passed these two men, I looked at the crosses they were carrying and I couldn’t help but notice that both …

Decade Mile-Markers

As the have now arrived at the New Year, completing the first decade of the new millennium, I did a little reflecting.  These reflections are personal, and may not mean a lot to you, but they are my mile-markers over the past decade. Our youngest daughter, Anne Marie was born in the year 2000. Both …

Merry Christmas & A Happy Easter!

There are some things that I’m sure run through the minds of every preacher, but they are suppressed by our better judgment before they are ever spoken. For me, one of those unspoken thoughts occurs every Sunday prior to Christmas. I always find myself suppressing the urge to say, “Good to see everyone today. I …

100,000 Visitors!

I was going to give this $100,000 dollar bill away to the 100,000th visitor to my website.  However, there was just one problem.  I didn’t know the identity of the 100,000th visitor any more than I knew whose picture was on the $100,000th dollar bill.  But whoever the 100,000th visitor was, and whoever all the …