Tag «Church Attendance»
Church Attendance, the Coronavirus, and Guilt

This weekend, a number of churches all over the country have modified or even canceled church services due to the threat (real or exaggerated) the coronavirus poses to our nation. Some congregations have canceled their Sunday morning and Wednesday night Bible classes while maintaining the Sunday morning and evening worship services. Others have canceled all …
Why Not Wednesday Night?

If you visit church websites, receive church bulletins, or travel much, you will soon realize that church attendance on Sunday and Wednesday nights is in a free fall! So what is the problem? Why is there such a drop-off in numbers? Typically, when this question is asked, we begin to blame the people who don’t …
Wait! Consider This Angle
Merry Christmas & A Happy Easter!

There are some things that I’m sure run through the minds of every preacher, but they are suppressed by our better judgment before they are ever spoken. For me, one of those unspoken thoughts occurs every Sunday prior to Christmas. I always find myself suppressing the urge to say, “Good to see everyone today. I …