Category «Bible Study»

What’s Your Bible IQ?

How well can you do on this brief, five-question quiz? Who was rebuked by Jesus for caring more about temporal things than eternal things? To whom did Jesus offer “living water” that would cause one to never again thirst? Which disciple was given a second chance to follow Jesus after denying him? Who postponed obedience …

A Short “Christmas” Quiz

At this time of the year, more will be said about the birth of Jesus than at any other time of the year.  Yet, each year I can’t help but be a bit disturbed by all the biblical ignorance and inaccuracies associated with the birth of our Savior.  When it comes to one of the …

Another Night With The Frogs?

An amazing thing happened in Exodus 8. Pharaoh had all he could stand of the plague of frogs God had sent upon Egypt. So Pharaoh asked Moses to entreat his God to get rid of the frogs. Moses agreed to do so and asked Pharaoh when he wanted him to make intercession on his behalf. Unbelievably, Pharaoh …

Father, Son, and Holy Scriptures

When it comes to any matter of revelation, big or small, I want to know the truth. And knowing what the Bible teaches about the work of the Holy Spirit is no exception. However, if the title of this article piqued your interest, and you followed the link to see what “side of the Holy Spirit …

When Jesus Got Angry

If I were to ask, “Can you tell me of a time when Jesus got angry?” I would suspect that most people could give me an instance or two. At the top of the list would probably be the “cleansing of the temple” (Matthew 21:12-13). Others may remember his scathing rebuke of the Scribes and …