“Fit For The Pulpit”

FitEarlier this year, I was asked if I would contribute a chapter in a book designed for preachers.  However, the more I’ve thought about it, I’ve come to the conclusion that this book isn’t just for preachers, but it’s just as much for all Christians who want to do what they can to hold up the hands of their preacher, and help them in their work.

If I may illustrate:  How can I help my wife in the kitchen if I don’t know anything about cooking?  More than likely, I’ll end up being a hindrance rather than a help.  Likewise, if you want to help those men who have given their lives to the propagation and defense of the gospel, then you would benefit by learning a little about their work, their lives, and their challenges.

This book was written by preachers such as Kirk Brothers, Adam Faughn, Jacob Hawk, Dale Jenkins, Jeff Jenkins, Jay Lockhart, Chris McCurley, Neal Pollard, and Michael Whitworth.  I don’t think anyone has taken a count, but we have upwards of 250 years of collective preaching experience in this book.

This book is ideal for a “Preacher & His Work” class.  It will provide valuable advice and insight to those who are preaching.  And it will be informative and help promote understanding among all Christians.

Who ministers to the minister?  There are several answers to that question, but with the printing of this book, there is added another answer to that important question.

The book will be available in February, and is being printed by Start2Finish Books.  Also, digital copies can also be purchased on Amazon and iBooks.


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