If the Living Knew

Many years ago, I heard a preacher say something in a sermon that I have never forgotten. He said, “If the living knew what the dead know, they would be in a desperate search for truth.”

What a profound statement! Those who have already died and passed into eternity know from experience the things living people wonder about things like

  • Is there really a Heaven?
  • Is there really a Hell?
  • Was Jesus who he claimed to be?
  • Will non-religious but morally good people go to Heaven?

The answers to all of these questions are known by every deceased person that has ever lived. And, if the living knew what the dead know, surely they would be:

  • Buying and reading Bibles.
  • Filling church buildings (on Sunday night and Wednesday night, too) in a desperate search of learning what they need to do to be saved and grow spiritually.
  • Trembling at the frailty of life and would not delay in their obedience to the gospel.

What a changed world it would be if the living knew what the dead know. Ironically, we can know what the dead already know, and we don’t have to wait for the experience of death. We can
open our Bibles and know, just as assuredly as the dead, what awaits us in eternity.

Please don’t delay in your preparation for eternity.
