No-Mask Sunday!

Yay! Finally, the Sunday has come for which we have all been waiting! This coming Sunday is “No Mask Sunday!”

I’m pretty sure that all of us are tired of wearing our masks. If you’re like me, you’ve found them to be uncomfortable and a hassle. They have inhibited our worship, as well as our fellowship with our brothers and sisters. Thankfully, the time has come to take off our masks!

So, after careful consideration of all the factors involved, please leave your masks at home this coming Sunday and enjoy the freedom of “No Mask Sunday!”
If this isn’t plain enough, or if you have further questions, please read the detailed instructions below:

  • This Sunday, if you’re grieving over life circumstances, leave your “happy mask” at home and let those who love you help bear your grief.
  • This Sunday, if you’re concerned for the future of your children, leave your “perfect parent mask” at home and share your concerns with others who can strengthen you from a position of common concerns.
  • This Sunday, if you’re struggling with sin, leave your “I’ve-got-it-all-together mask” at home, confess your shortcomings, and benefit from the prayers of those who love you.
  • This Sunday, if you’re confused by what the Bible teaches, leave your “Sure,-I-understand-that mask” at home and ask for clarification.
  • This Sunday, if you’ve been deeply hurt by a brother or sister, leave your “I-don’t-have-a-problem-with-them mask” at home and go to your offender and get things resolved.

You get the idea now, don’t you? We’ve worn our masks for far too long! It’s time we get back to normal, take off our masks, and worship God, and fellowship with the saints without the annoyance and hindrance of those masks (Oh, and not to mention, those masks don’t work anyway).

So, I’m looking forward to seeing all of you this Sunday without your masks! What a Sunday this is shaping up to be! Just make sure you’re wearing your external mask when you arrive at the building to protect others as well as yourself.


Comments 3

  • Steve, great post. I hope people read past the title so they could benefit from your insights. Meanwhile, I will be praying for you that you may be healthy, that you may preach and write effectively for years to come.

  • Steve…great article as usual…i just heard of your prognosis. Brother i am sure u r reciveing many emails and calls. I am calling upon our Father for u and your family for the best posdible outcome. God bless u my brother. A servant of the Master Bill Dayton

  • Prayers from the 2 Church St, Cameron Church of Christ, Cameron, Wv 26033