What’s Your Bible IQ?

How well can you do on this brief, five-question quiz? Who was rebuked by Jesus for caring more about temporal things than eternal things? To whom did Jesus offer “living water” that would cause one to never again thirst? Which disciple was given a second chance to follow Jesus after denying him? Who postponed obedience …

Who Am I?

As a child, I really enjoyed it when our Bible class teacher would divide us up (usually the boys against the girls) and quiz us over Bible characters, places, and events. Some of the questions were “trivial” such as, “Did you know the Bible contains 1,189 chapters, 31,102 verses, and 3,237 names? Of course, you probably …

A Queer Hermeneutic

The dictionary definition of the word, “queer” is simply “strange,” “odd,” or “unusual.” However, in the latter part of the 20th century, the term, “queer” was used in a pejorative sense as an insult to homosexuals. But that was then, and this is now.  And today, the term is embraced by the homosexual community and has …

Worrying About What’s Next

I have a good friend who lives in Kentucky and he’s a huge fan of UK basketball. He’s such a fan that he gets a bit too worked up while watching their games. Therefore, instead of watching their games live, he records their games and busies himself with other things. Then when the game is …

Attending College in Knoxville?

If you’re planning on attending one of the universities or colleges in Knoxville, TN, I’d like for you to consider making the Karns church of Christ your home away from home during your time in school. Our church building is located just 10 miles from the University of Tennessee; 6 miles from Pellissippi State; and 5 …