Love What He Loved

Yesterday marked the anniversary date of my mom and dad’s wedding day. They enjoyed 59 years of marriage before my dad passed away in 2013. Following his death, I saw some papers that belonged to my dad from his high school days. One of the things that caught my attention was that my dad said …


There are no rules about how to establish man-made memorials. They may come in different shapes and sizes. Really, all that is necessary is that whatever shape they take, they serve as a reminder. The picture to the left is of two briefcases that sit in my office. The bottom one, which has the initials, …

Board the Bus & Take a Seat…Or Not

In spite of the clarity of Jesus’ words, “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved…” (Mark 16:16), there are some who still deny the necessity of baptism. Some affirm that one is saved at the point of faith without further acts of obedience (i.e. baptism). In an effort to sustain such an affirmation, …

Worst Thing About Being A Preacher Is…

I absolutely love my job! I can’t imagine doing anything differently with my life. If I had a thousand lives to live, to be whatever I wanted to be, I believe I’d spend them all doing the same thing — preaching the gospel (Well, I might waste one of them being the quarterback for the Pittsburgh …


Occasionally, someone will ask me how I come up with ideas for all the articles I write. Well, it’s not hard when you’re surrounded by people who are spiritually minded. Just this week, a friend and brother, Lance Champion made an observation that has really resonated with me and I hope it will you too. Lance …