Honor to Whom Honor is Due – Amos Orrison

When I think back to people who influenced my life for the better, I must include Amos Orrison in my list. Amos passed away in 2001, but he “still speaks” (Hebrews 11:4). Amos and his wife, Martha were good friends of our family. Amos just made an impression on me that I still remember nearly …

That Would Never Happen, Would It?

Tom swallowed hard, mustered all his courage and confidently said, “Sarah, I knew from the first time we met that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” Immediately following these words, Tom opened a ring box displaying a beautiful diamond ring. For a moment, Sarah’s breath was …

The Road Not Taken

In 1916, Robert Frost published the most popular poem of the 20th century. For the past one hundred years, “The Road Not Taken” has been the most recognized poem in America. In this poem, a traveler comes to a fork in the road and decides to take “the road less traveled by.” According to the …