4 Reasons To Continue Having Sunday Night Services

According to Thom Rainer, a church researcher, the typical Sunday night worship service conducted at the church building is a thing of the past.  According to his research, only 5% of churches have “traditional” Sunday evening services. [That statistic is not representative of typical churches of Christ, but we are moving closer that direction]. I …

You’re In My Seat!

Once upon a time, in a church far, far away from any church we’ve ever attended, there was a small band of Christians who met together every Sunday to worship God. These regular assemblies were conducted faithfully for many years, but without any change in the people who were occupying the seats. One day, one of …

God Is Not Safe, But He Is Good

In 1950 , C.S. Lewis wrote The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. This book is an allegory in which Aslan, a powerful lion (representing Jesus) had to die so that Edmund (a young man deceived by a witch) could live. In my judgment, one of the most contemplative lines in the entire book comes …

Still Teaching

On this date [February 21] in 1933, my dad was born in Wetzel County, WV. As I was going through some of dad’s files, reminiscing, I came across a radio script he preached on this same date in 1956. Dad preached it on WMMN in Fairmont, WV. The picture to the left was probably taken close …

More Than A Game

Question: When does a player on one High School basketball team get excited when a player on the opposing team scores? Answer: When they’re brothers. Last Friday night, February 5, 2016, Franklin Road Academy was playing University School of Nashville. With 90 seconds remaining in the game, Franklin Road Academy inserted Robert Lewis into the …